Tom Saler
Madison, Wisconsin
“Rethinking Research” (January 15, 2007); “Taking Roads Less Traveled” (August 14, 2006); “Linking God and Mammon” (July 10, 2006); “Triple Threat” (April 25, 2005)
Better Investing
“Due Diligence” monthly column, October 2005 – present; “Real Estate Investment Trusts” (January 2006); “Alternative Fuels” (November 2005)
Bloomberg Personal Finance / Bloomberg Wealth Manager
“So Many Questions, So Few Answers” (April 2006): “The Road to Low Taxes” (June 2005); “Riding the Wave” (June 2004); “States of Despair” (June 2003); “Live Free or Move” (May 2001); “Where the Breaks Are” (April 2000); “The Great Divide” (March 1998)
Consumers Digest
“Retirement Income” (July 2000); “Retirement Planning” (May 2000); “Best Funds for 2000” (January 2000); “Building a Financial Nest Egg” (November 1999); “College Planning” (September 1999); “Innovative Tax Strategies” (March 1998); “Sector Funds” (June 1998); “Self-Directed Retirement Plans” (February 1998); “Broker-Sold Funds” (May 1996); “How to Read Fund Documents” (May 1996)
Consumer Reports
“How to Get Even With Your Broker” (October 2005)
Individual Investor
“Risk Matters” (November 1996)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“Historical Perspectives" column; (March 1994 – present)
Mutual Funds
“Small-Caps” (June 2002); “Asset Allocation Funds” (February 2002); “Strong Dollar” (January 2002); “Best Funds for Tax Efficiency” (July 2001); “Stocks and the ‘R’ Word” (March 2001); “Great Ideas for 2001” (January 2001); “Julius Baer International Equity” December 2000; “Scudder Dividend and Growth” November 2000; “Quaker Aggressive Growth” (October 2000); “Mercantile International Equity” (October 2000); “Republic Overseas Equity” (October 2000); “Artisan International” (June 2000); “FMI Focus” (April 2000); IPS New Frontier (April 2000); “DEM Equity” (February 2000); “Automatic Investment Plans” (January 2000); “RS Emerging Growth” (December 1999); “Nevis Fund” (November 1999); “Royce Low Priced Stock” (October 1999); “Calamos Convertible Fund” (July 1999); “Eastcliff Total Return” (June 1999); “Bond Fund Primer” March 1999; “PIMCO Innovation” (March 1999); “Berkshire Capital” March 1999; “Leuthold Core” (March 1999); “Price Dividend Growth (December 1998); “Legg Mason Focus Trust” (October 1998); “MFS Research” October 1998; “Keeley Small-Cap Value” (September 1998); “Death Benefit Funds” (August 1998); “Net Fund” (June 1998); “Alliance Premiere Growth” (June 1998); “Artisan Small-Cap Value” (March 1998); “FMI Focus” (March 1998); “Morgan FunShares” (December 1997); “Discount Brokers” (November 1997); “Quantitative Funds” (October 1997); “Small-Cap Funds” (September 1997); “Stratton Small-Cap Yield” (September 1997); “Socially Responsible Investing” (August 1997); “Enhanced Index Funds” (February 1997); “Economies of the Pacific Rim” (November 1996)
“Looking for Lasting Profits in IPOs” (September 1996)
Your Money
“Best Funds” (May 2001); “Foreign Value Funds” (February 2001); “The 2000 Election and Financial Markets” (January 2001); “Profit Plays for 2001” (January 2001); “The Perfect Plan” (September 2000); (Stocks vs. Funds” (September 2000); “Lifestyle Funds” (July 2000); “Two Checks a Month” (November 2000); “Funds To Buy Now” (June 2000); “Emerging Markets” (November 1999); “Mutual Fund All-Stars” (November 1999); “Double Your Money” (July 1999); “Fifteen Doublers” (June 1999); “Where to Invest $10,000” (March 1999); “Bond Funds” (December 1998); “Growth Funds for Income Investors” (October 1998); “Pumping Up Return” (August 1998); “Today’s Best Funds” (June 2000); “Global Investing” (April 1998); “Best Funds for IRAs” (January 1998); “Tax Strategies” (January 1998); “Profit With the Insiders” (July 1997); “Best Funds To Meet Financial Goals” (April 1997); “Funds for a Changing Economy” (March 1997); “Building a Mutual Fund Portfolio” (December 1996)
The Burish Group
Video scripts
Brandes Investment Partners
Copyediting and proofreading
Citizens Funds
Shareholder letters and press releases
Delaware Investments
Portfolio manager reports; editing; copyediting
Edelman Public Relations
Fund fact sheets and press releases
Federated Investors
10,000-word quarterly market commentaries, portfolio manager Q &A’s, economic reports,
money-market newsletter, PowerPoint script, scripts
First American Funds
Shareholder reports
Freemont Funds
Prospectus wrapper and press release for new fund launch
Hartford Investment Management
Monthly fixed-income report for institutional clients
Investment and personal-finance articles for numerous clients, including Merrill Lynch,
Lincoln Financial Group, LaSalle Investment Management, and CIBC
ING Funds
MFS Mutual Funds
Shareholder reports
Neuberger Berman Funds
President’s Letter
Northern Trust
Feature investment articles, fund profiles, promotional inserts for monthly shareholder publication;
shareholder reports; letter from chief investment officer
Pioneer Funds
PowerPoint script; portfolio manager Q & A’s
Red Granite Advisors
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Thrivent Financial
Shareholder reports
USAA Financial Services
Marketing brochures and educational articles
USAA Savings Bank
Educational articles for newsletter
Van Kampen Investments
Shareholder reports and letters from chief investment officers
Vanguard Funds
Educational material; shareholder newsletter