Tom Saler
Madison, Wisconsin
“Tom Saler is one of the best financial writers I know. He can turn numbers into plain English, which is no mean feat these days.”
John Wasik
Former editor, Consumers Digest
Columnist, Bloomberg News
“Tom has earned the respect of our two chief investment officers as well as our chief investment strategist. He is professional, yet personal, in his demeanor, has never missed a deadline and always delivered a quality product…his knowledge of the financial services industry has more than exceeded my expectations.”
Debra J. Christopher
Senior Marketing Communications Manager, Federated Investors
“Tom Saler is an editor’s writer. Tom and I worked together on marketing communications for Northern Update. In an industry where clichés are king — I often swore I would eat the next story that referred to a nest egg or used a golfing analogy or quoted Benjamin Franklin on taxes — Tom’s stories were fresh and fascinating, a pleasure to edit and read. I’m still quoting my favorite Tom Saler analogy in my writing workshops: ‘Emerging markets are more volatile than developed markets in the same way that teenagers are more volatile than adults. Of course, teens have more growth potential than their elders as well. So how can investors capture that growth, while still limiting their risk'”?
Ann Wylie
Wylie Communications, Inc.
“Tom Saler is a talented writer, with a gift for sorting out the day’s economic events and putting them into historical context and perspective. It’s a long view that helps make sense of what’s happening and why — and where we might be headed.”
Gary D. Miller
Deputy Business Editor, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“A true professional.”
Charles Brandes
Managing partner, Brandes Investment Management
“Thank you for the fine work you did for us and our client. Your understanding of the financial services industry was a significant asset. You also played a critical role on our team by attending client meetings, participating in interviews and writing media and marketing materials. You’re a very talented professional, and we sincerely hope we have the opportunity to work with you in the future.”
Laurie Ann Hobbs
Vice President, Edelman Public Relations Worldwide